CSBA Logo; four silhouettes of people holding hands around a red maple leaf.


Keep up to date with the latest news from CSBA!

Statement from CSBA President Laurie French

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Laurie French, President of the CSBA urges all Canadians to work together for social justice and equity. Recent events are a stark reminder that we all need to address systemic racism – silence is not acceptable…

Covid 19 Updates

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Here you will find information on working through Covid-19 in our education communities, including updates from associations.  Are you holding virtual meetings? The World Economic Forum has some great tips…

Covid 19: Message from the President

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We currently find ourselves amidst challenging and unprecedented times for communities throughout the country, including our school communities. As we face uncertainty, I would like to acknowledge the hard work…

Covid-19: Message du présidente

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Nous traversons présentement une période sans précédent et particulièrement difficile pour les communautés partout au pays, y compris nos communautés scolaires. Face à toute l’incertitude, j’aimerais reconnaître le travail acharné…

Strategic Plan Update

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Based on the decisions of the Board in October following input from trustees at Congress 2019, the executive completed the updated 2019-2023 CSBA strategic plan and vetted it through the Strategic Planning…

Statement from QESBA on Bill 40

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MONTREAL, FEBRUARY 20, 2020 – In collaboration with English-speaking Community partner organizations, the Quebec English School Boards Association (QESBA) will challenge the constitutionality of Bill 40 which abolishes school boards…