With a spirit of genuine collaboration in support of Call to Action No. 84(iii) of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, the Canadian School Boards Association is pleased to submit the following current update (as of March, 2018) on actions and initiatives achieved by our association and its membership, in the time since the Calls to Action were issued in spring, 2015.
It should be noted that the association has chosen to focus exclusively on the main action areas that tend to fall under the mandate and/or responsibilities of school boards. Under each of these action areas, only those calls to action that directly speak to the mandate of school boards (or to the activities and initiatives of the Canadian School Boards Association and its members), have been included in this update.

Where a call to action has been excluded from an action area, this does not signal that this call to action is not important and fundamental to achieving reconciliation: rather, it should be interpreted that this call to action speaks to mandates or responsibilities that do not specifically or have not immediately engaged our association, its members, or school boards.

Our update can be read here: CSBA Update – Implementation of TRC Calls to Action – March 2018

A circle of orange flames.