CSBA applauds approval of funding for national school food program
CSBA applauds approval of funding for national school food program

CSBA applauds approval of funding for national school food program Halifax: June 20, 2024 The Canadian School Boards Association applauds the Government of Canada for the announced National School Food Policy. Today in Nova Scotia, the Prime Minister and the Minister of Families, Children and Social Development announced the funding principles for the National School Food Policy. The CSBA is a long-standing advocate for universal access to healthy school food for all students throughout the country. CSBA President Alan Campbell is pleased to have been included in a briefing ahead of the announcement, along with other national partners. School food […]

National Trustees Gathering on Indigenous Education & CSBA Congress 2025 – call for presenters!
National Trustees Gathering on Indigenous Education & CSBA Congress 2025 – call for presenters!

December 12, 2024

As hosts of the 2025 National Trustees Gathering on Indigenous Education and CSBA Congress, the Manitoba School Boards Association is issuing an open call to all for presenters of in-person workshops or breakout seminars. Prospective presenters may be a school board member, a senior educational administrator, a public servant, an expert in a related field…

President’s Bulletin
President’s Bulletin

October 27, 2024

The latest edition of the CSBA President’s Bulletin has been published! Check out the Fall/automne 2024 issue.

L’Association canadienne des commissions/conseils scolaires resserre les liens à Ottawa
L’Association canadienne des commissions/conseils scolaires resserre les liens à Ottawa

October 8, 2024

POUR DIFFUSION IMMÉDIATE Le 8 octobre 2024 OTTAWA, ON : Des membres des commissions/conseils scolaires élus de tout le pays ont rencontré des dirigeants du gouvernement fédéral à Ottawa afin de resserrer les liens en matière d’éducation publique au Canada. Pendant deux jours, le conseil d’administration de l’Association canadienne des commissions/ conseils scolaires (ACCCS) a discuté d’enjeux d’actualité…

Canadian School Boards Association Strengthens Connections in Ottawa
Canadian School Boards Association Strengthens Connections in Ottawa

October 8, 2024

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 8, 2024 OTTAWA, ON: Members of elected school boards from throughout the country met with federal government leaders in Ottawa to strengthen connections related to public education in Canada. Over the course of two days, the Canadian School Boards Association (CSBA) Board of Directors discussed important issues such as the National…

Journée nationale de la vérité et de la réconciliation
Journée nationale de la vérité et de la réconciliation

September 30, 2024

Chaque année, le 30 septembre marque la Journée nationale de la vérité et de la réconciliation. Cette journée est l’occasion de rendre hommage aux enfants qui n’ont jamais pu retourner chez eux et aux survivants des pensionnats ainsi qu’à leurs familles et leurs communautés. À l’occasion de la Journée nationale de la vérité et de…

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The Canadian School Boards Association

L’Association canadienne des commissions/conseils scolaires

The Canadian School Boards Association

L’Association canadienne des commissions/conseils scolaires

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National Trustees Gathering on Indigenous Education & CSBA Congress 2025 – call for presenters!

As hosts of the 2025 National Trustees Gathering on Indigenous Education and CSBA Congress, the Manitoba School Boards Association is issuing an open call to all for presenters of in-person workshops or breakout seminars. Prospective presenters may be a school board member, a senior educational administrator, a public servant, an…
Read More National Trustees Gathering on Indigenous Education & CSBA Congress 2025 – call for presenters!

L’Association canadienne des commissions/conseils scolaires resserre les liens à Ottawa

POUR DIFFUSION IMMÉDIATE Le 8 octobre 2024 OTTAWA, ON : Des membres des commissions/conseils scolaires élus de tout le pays ont rencontré des dirigeants du gouvernement fédéral à Ottawa afin de resserrer les liens en matière d’éducation publique au Canada. Pendant deux jours, le conseil d’administration de l’Association canadienne des commissions/ conseils scolaires…
Read More L’Association canadienne des commissions/conseils scolaires resserre les liens à Ottawa

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The Canadian School Boards Association


The Canadian School Boards Association (CSBA) is a professional association representing members from provincial school boards associations serving close to four million elementary and secondary school students across Canada. The CSBA advocates educational success for each and every student and promotes the value of locally elected school boards.  


The Canadian School Boards Association (CSBA) is a professional association representing members from provincial school boards associations serving close to four million elementary and secondary school students across Canada. The CSBA advocates educational success for each and every student and promotes the value of locally elected school boards.  

Our Vision

The vision of the Canadian School Board Association is excellence in public education achieved through school boards.

Who We Work With

We collaborate with education partners across the country to support students, schools and communities with a democratically elected voice of community members.

Why Schoolboards Matter

Strong school board leadership plays a meaningful and vital role in our school boards across the country, and has a direct impact on student achievement and school success for all students.

Our Vision

The vision of the Canadian School Board Association is excellence in public education achieved through school boards.

Who We Work With

We collaborate with education partners across the country to support students, schools and communities with a democratically elected voice of community members.

Why Schoolboards Matter

Strong school board leadership plays a meaningful and vital role in our school boards across the country, and has a direct impact on student achievement and school success for all students.

The importance of CSBA

“Now, more than ever, we need to cooperate nationally to speak with one voice on behalf of local communities, and demonstrate the value and integrity of school boards in all jurisdictions.”

Recent Posts

Souhaits des Fêtes de l’ACCCS

Au nom de l’Association canadienne des commissions/conseils scolaires, nous vous adressons nos meilleurs vœux pour un joyeux temps des fêtes. La fin d’une année civile nous offre l’occasion de réfléchir aux derniers 12 mois. Dans les écoles et les communautés de tout le pays, les motifs de réjouissance sont nombreux. Les…

CSBA Holiday Greeting

On behalf of the Canadian School Boards Association, we extend our warmest wishes for a happy holiday season. The end of a calendar year gives us an opportunity to reflect on the past 12 months. In schools and communities across…

National Trustees Gathering on Indigenous Education & CSBA Congress 2025 – call for presenters!

As hosts of the 2025 National Trustees Gathering on Indigenous Education and CSBA Congress, the Manitoba School Boards Association is issuing an open call to all for presenters of in-person workshops or breakout seminars. Prospective presenters may be a school…

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Canadian School Boards Association

“The national voice of democratically elected local school boards.”

L’Association canadienne des commissions/conseils scolaires

“Le porte-parole national des commissions/conseils scolaires locaux élus démocratiquement.”

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