Canadians Celebrate Family Literacy Day
January 27th is Family Literacy Day, and the Government of Canada has issued a statement regarding the importance of family literacy in Canadian society.
The Honourable Diane Finley, Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development, emphasized the value of literacy in building stronger communities for Canadians:
Strong literacy and essential skills are so important for children’s success at school and adults’ success at work. That is why our government is investing in skills development and proudly joining Canadians in celebrating Family Literacy Day.
To kick off the event, Minister Finley announced two projects that will improve access to literacy services in minority-language communities in several provinces and territiories. These projects are in conjunction with the Fédération canadienne pour l’alphabétisation, as well as the Service d’orientation et formation des adultes de l’Association franco-yukonnaise.
Created in 1999 by ABC Life Literacy Canada, this day marks the importance of family literacy and heightens awareness in Canadian society. This year’s theme is “Play for Literacy,” emphasizing the valuable effects of play on literacy skills and in providing new literacy opportunities. To celebrate, ABC Life Literacy Canada has planned many local events that are taking place today across the country in Canadian public schools and communities.