Atlantic Conference: Defining A Vision for 21st Century Education

The Atlantic Conference, a professional development opportunity for trustees and administrators in the Atlantic region, will be hosted by the Nova Scotia School Boards Association from November 25th-27th in Halifax. This years’s theme is “Abacus to Internet: What Next?” and will explore various issues surrounding 21st century learning: specifically;

  • effective instruction of 21st century skills in today’s classrooms to accommodate a changing workforce;
  • how the public educational system is promoting student engagement;
  • use of innovative technology in the classroom
  • rural schools and 21st century learning
  • perspectives and challenges in French language education

Social media strategist Kevin McCann, who, in his career, has lead award-winning communications campaigns, will kick off the conference with the keynote address.

CSBA wishes all Atlantic Conference attendees an informative and successful professional development session.